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Appendix A: Metadata

Befus, Andrew. n.d. “Characterizing Whitebark and limber pine habitat in Alberta: Mapping highly localized tree species across a large study area.” Paper presented at Spatial Knowledge and Information – Canada, March 4, 2011, in Quebec.


Gould, Joyce. “Conservation of endangered five needled pine in Alberta parks: Parks division, Alberta tourism, parks and recreation.” Presented at BC Protected Areas Research Forum, Vancouver, British Columbia, December 7, 2011.


Government of Canada. 2009. “COSEWIC wildlife species search.”


Make it Rational. 2012. “Decision making software.”


British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. 2008. “Prescribed fire.”


Parks Canada. 2011a. “Conservation strategy for southern mountain caribou in Canada’s national parks.”


Parks Canada. 2011b. “Woodland caribou in Jasper national park.”


Parks Canada. 2012. “Whitebark pine.”


Robinson, Hugh S., Mark Hebblewhite, Nicholas J. DeCesare, Jessie Whittington, Layla Neufeld, Mark Bradley, Marco Musiani. “The effect of fire on spatial separation between wolves and caribou.” Rangifer, 20, no. 1 (2010a): 277-294.


Robinson, Hugh S., Mark Hebblewhite, Nicholas J. DeCesare, Wibke Peters, Marco Musiani, Byron Weckworth, Allan McDevitt. “Modeling relationships between fire, caribou, wolves, elk and moose to aid recovery of threatened Southern Mountain Woodland Caribou in the Canadian Rocky Mountain national parks.” Report for Parks Canada, 2010b.


Shepherd, Landon, Fiona Schmiegelow, Ellen Macdonald. “Managing fire for woodland caribou in Jasper and Banff national parks.” Rangifer, 17, no. 1 (2007): 129-140.


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 2011. “There's no place like home: Clark's nutcracker home ranges and Whitebark pine regeneration.”


Wilson, Brendan C., G. Jon Stuart-Smith. “Whitebark pine conservation for the Canadian Rocky Mountain national parks.” Report for Parks Canada (2002).


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